Sunday, December 20, 2009
Carmen Herrera
"Blanco y Verde" 1966

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Friday, December 18, 2009
Some 2009 Dog Paintings/Collages
These few are small like betwee 11x14 and 8x 10"

And then these are larger. ALl around 40x 60 " ish dimensions

above is a small study 12 x 15 approx for the style below which are both big. like 50 x 70" approx

and those were some , mixed media, etc, collages all around 18 x 24"

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Monday, December 7, 2009
Two Interesting Lady Painters

Patricia Treib

Dianna Molzan
Previous Posts

Carmen Herrera/// Some 2009 Dog Paintings/Collages/// Two Interesting Lady Painters/// This should be real amazing/// Sol LeWitt/// PINK STINK/// Little Dog/// Small Packages Tomorrow/// Oh my god/// New Dogs///


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