Sunday, March 29, 2009
cool web art, i guess?
Here's a tight blawg.

Jodi Blog


The Age of Mammals

They remind me of that Mike Nelson "a psychic vaccum" Creative Time thing last summer at Essex market, remember? only this is in CYBER SPACE!

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Sunday, March 15, 2009
hall of halftones

resize the window and make a color picture!!!

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new portal
resize the window and make a venn diagram! all the statistics make sense now

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I cant wait 'til summer
This is one of a series of text pieces I have been making by covering parts of construction paper and then hanging them in my window and letting the sun bleach them out.

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Monday, March 9, 2009
A Poem
Below is a poem I wrote on the way home from Chicago last night.

We Are Doomed

We are doomed.
We are on a
and the man in
the Exit
Row is reading
"The Fountainhead."

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Monday, March 2, 2009


Previous Posts

New Dogs/// new portals to freedom/// MY FAVORITE NEW MUSIC VIDEOS!!!!!!!/// this is rad and is like some of the resizing porta.../// Web art addendumb/// fixed it/// is this fixed yet/?/// PINK STINK/// sorry, i messed up the blog layout :( i'll fix it .../// BLACK MONDAYZ///


September 2007/// October 2007/// November 2007/// December 2007/// January 2008/// March 2008/// April 2008/// May 2008/// June 2008/// July 2008/// August 2008/// November 2008/// December 2008/// January 2009/// February 2009/// March 2009/// April 2009/// May 2009/// June 2009/// July 2009/// August 2009///

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