Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Culture TImezzz
go see the Kara Walker show at the whitney!!!
I thought it was the jump off. Really inclusive show. Make sure to watch the films!

THen go see the Richard Prince show at the guggenheim ya dummys.

Here is Peter Sdksjcdhjkdshj's review of the Prince show. Its not a positive review, per se, but it is a really smart review.

sorry for the boring post

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Monday, October 29, 2007
From Borington, NY to Fun City!!! (round two)
upstate I do things like sit by the hearth with this weirdo and chat. p.s. is that an armchair or a rocking chair? if you answered, "trick question asshole its both!" you were right.
sometimes i cook a nice dinner of what I swear is sausages and pasta, then i take a picture of it

but in the city people dress up and have fun see?

sometimes random people do pushups

or they do this...

these drawings are a diptych. the latter half is a hoax.

scary eyes

surprised eyes!
and chaos reigns!!!!!

young prescott as a pee pee

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


i expect there will be a few small difficulties in the beginning since we are new to selling through paypal. if you have any difficulties, email us at info@pingtingclick.com.



Tuesday, October 23, 2007

podcast #3 is here finally! i went to see a lot of rad shows during cmj and before and after cmj and i took my little recorder with me where i went and here are some of the results. hopefully there will be a part 2 to this in the future because i'm still waiting on permission from a lot of bands to use recordings i made. yeeeeeaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

here is a tracklisting
01. lost time - health - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
02. girl attorney - health - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
03. grand canyon - the mall - studio b 10/10/07
04. unknown new song - aids wolf - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
05. outer tomato - yip yip - studio b 10/10/07
06. club mummy - yip yip - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
07. $100 cover - japanther - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
08. late for school - ponytail - bowery ballroom 10/17/07
08.5 a poem - sebastian - studio b
09. indestructable life! - old time relijun - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
10. crimewave - health - soundfix 10/20/07
11. unknown new song - aids wolf - panache party @ death by audio 0.20.07
12. fuk the price a pull iz dum - japanther - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
13. unknown - the mall - studio b 10/10/07
14. audacity beach - yip yip - studio b 10/10/07
15. celebrate the body electric (it came from an angel) - ponytail - bowery ballroom 10/17/07

all these high and low quality recordings used with permission of the artists, dummy! do you like this? there will be lots of this kind of thing in the future in the future.

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Monday, October 22, 2007
CESCO Chairs
The chairs below are made out of string, cardboard, chip board, and the broken shards of ming vases and faberge eggs that CESCO so callously purchased and smashed to bits on the ground.

Prince Harry recently commissioned one shaped like a swastika. Will smith just bought one that reads "Welcome to Earth!" and has a picture of himself as Hitch.

For pricing inquiries(you cant afford them) email Sebastian@Pingtingclick.com.

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Saturday, October 20, 2007
the city, the country, and back
How ill is this van. I met the guy who drives it. He was about sixty and he was walking around painting peace signs on walls and smoking cloves. He kept referring to "the kids" and although I had no clue what he was talking about, I found myself agreeing with him on every point.

no hands track stands

What a kawink e dink, I found a sign in Greenpoint that had Zach's mantra on it

we put up some posters for jake's show

then sarah jumped a fence

to get into this ill place

mother nature was all around us

I saw a little girl hug a huge purple vagina

Then I got to watch this little boy get born . And peep the tombstone, the circle of life. Deep stuff, I know.

So then I went to this barn where I made a painting.

Here it is in its very early stages.

And here is the rabbit whose head I ate.

Here it is again

The field from my house upstate to the barn is a veritable minefield of poopies. The above stool is just some inoffensive deer doody, but there was some pretty serious bear poos out there as well. And one thing that might have actually been Clayface, from the batman cartoon. Below is a picture I took of it.

it was pretty upstate

there was a deer

here is the painting

then I was back in the city
and I found a cobra. Bye.

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Friday, October 19, 2007
NEW "Their Things" FOR SALE, YA JERKS!
Hot off the presses! With comics by Victor M. Kerlow, Eamon Espey, Bruce Waldman, Win McCarthy, Lola Sinreich, Joe Boginski, Haw Par, "Vic" Marchand, Jake Braff, Avi Spivak, Max Bode, and some dude named Nate Doyle!! It is $4 on our site and like $bagillion in fancy stores. So cop it in the "our things/their things" section now! (all proceeds go to support the prezadental campaign of the lovely Benazir Bhutto!)

Incidentally: we have also received a few lingering copies of Gutter 5 which will also be for sale in the "our things/their things" section!

Parenthetically: Our paypal is still messed up so you get us the money in any other way you know how! Send cash, check, or whatever a money order is to:

Ping Ting Click
PO Box 279

and we will update you soon about paypal status!
Thursday, October 18, 2007

this is way late, but i guess i might as well put it up

so this is the cmj lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase. it is going to be sick. its at the knitting factory, there are 16 bands, three stage, etc etc. come by and say hello. i am going to be stage managing the old office.

also, just a quick update. there are some ILL podcasts on the way. i've been recording a lot of cmj shows and non cmj shows and there will be some live @ cmj podcasts. also, we have a sick project coming up. i just wanted to throw that out there. it is top secret for now though.

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some drawings

here are some drawings that i made.

hands? inspired by mudras!!

more hands and asparagus

this one is inspired by nelly and marina kitchen

duccio bag!

georgia o'queef and the felopian sisterhood

did you know matthew barney totally ripped off the sicilian flag for cremaster 4? whatever these bullets are turning to acorns

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Calling all kids... GROWNUPS ARE CRAZY
George, Condi, and Dick. Just peeped this in the A C E stop at 23d. I have been hating that super lame poster since the moment I saw it, but this person really switched it up. Some good surreal recontextualization, or something

Tim. He died in a marsh last February.

Dan "The man" Lipshitz. When we were kids together Dan used to be so scared of getting lost that he made his mom give him old buttons which he would drop periodically as we walked around with our baby sitters so that he could better retrace his steps if he needed to.

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Monday, October 8, 2007
Here are some of the doodles/drawings that consistent boredom has spawned. Click to see them bigger.

self portrait as a gross man
a jehova witness
if you first draw with a blue pencil it looks like you are a real cartoonist.

peep the weird homoerotic fantasy hero in the background.
doggy style
pyramid schemes
doggystyle revisited
the crib
mo pyramidz

as edward r murrow used to say: i'm out.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Once, a really long time ago I called Chopin a thug. That was before I heard Brahms. Imagine the hardest realest dude you can, stop imagining me though, and then add a french horn and a violin. Enough said I think.

Wait not enough said.

Listening to this music will make you turn into Kaiser Soeze and Kevin Spacey at the same time. You will have one foot in fictional crimelandia and one in closeted hollywood gaylandia. What am I talking about you ask? Click the link below and find out!


Or click below to get a taste of this general thuggery.
Chopin was a thug. I know it, you know it, and he knows it. (peep prison tats, he's got like four bodies) If you don't believe me, and happen to give voice to your skepticism, click on the link below and then eat your words with a nice chianti.
I smuggled a recording device into the Met, braving decrepit security guards, champagne flute wielding battle axes, and a general atmosphere of stuffiness to bring you this hotness, so listen up.


Or click below to get a taste of this general thuggery.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The Cultural Event of the Year
who knew 146 had such latent potential.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007


The Nike Air Native N7 also embraces Nike’s Considered design ethos, where details in the development and design of the shoe are geared to deliver sustainable innovation and reduce waste, without compromising product performance. The Considered design ethos also honors the traditional Native American Seventh Generation philosophy, an approach that respects the impact of decisions made today on seven generations. The shoe’s design draws inspiration directly from Native American culture.

not sure i even know where to start picking apart all the ways this is slightly problematic explicitly racist and exploitative? the "feather design featured on the sockliner". ????????? i wonder if they're outsourced to sweatshops? maybe that's too much to ask. these are the AIR NATIVE N7, after all, not the AIR GLOBAL EQUALITY. yeeeaaah well that joke sucked but YOU KNOW.


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