How ill is this van. I met the guy who drives it. He was about sixty and he was walking around painting peace signs on walls and smoking cloves. He kept referring to "the kids" and although I had no clue what he was talking about, I found myself agreeing with him on every point.
no hands track stands
What a kawink e dink, I found a sign in Greenpoint that had Zach's mantra on it
we put up some posters for jake's show
then sarah jumped a fence
to get into this ill place
mother nature was all around us
I saw a little girl hug a huge purple vagina
Then I got to watch this little boy get born . And peep the tombstone, the circle of life. Deep stuff, I know.
So then I went to this barn where I made a painting.
Here it is in its very early stages.
And here is the rabbit whose head I ate.
Here it is again
The field from my house upstate to the barn is a veritable minefield of poopies. The above stool is just some inoffensive deer doody, but there was some pretty serious bear poos out there as well. And one thing that might have actually been Clayface, from the batman cartoon. Below is a picture I took of it.
it was pretty upstate
there was a deer
here is the painting
then I was back in the city
and I found a cobra. Bye.
Labels: painting, peace, poop