Tuesday, July 1, 2008
My Upstairs
I am currently in a group show at 711 Gallery and here are some pictures of the installation i did upstairs!

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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Arts and Farts
Here it is, the Ping Ting Thing, the veritable Clean Plate Club of 2007. Since the Blog is just up and running I thought I might post some photos of my work from my senior show. So, with some further and a bit of ado...
My homie Baby Bry Bry calls this one "Seb as a Sexy Chick" with an inappropriate amount of luster.

More naked fellas... I know right?

This is a pen drawing, not type it took me much longer than it was worth, since nobody really noticed it. I put it in a group show at Secret Project Robot in June, and it has been floating around lower Manhattan with Cobra ever since.

one of my rooms

These are some pretty crappy photos that I snapped right before the show came down so sorry for the quality, or lack thereof. My ill part rabbi, part handy(wo)man, part photographer, all lesbian, aunt Devon took some much nicer photos, but I lost the cd they were on.

Also it is worth mentioning that there was this other kid who painted these dope sexy demon dragon ladies that I would have posted, but every camera that photographed them blew up in my hands. Here is something I found online to give you an idea.It was in a similar vein, only much less technically accomplished.

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