Wednesday, January 16, 2008
pictures//words #2

hey! this is out now if you didn't know!

come and get it here for 9 bucks. plus, it comes with pictures//words #1 so you can see where we came from and make educated guesses about where we are going!!

also, sebastian is in new zealand right now. i just found out today that he knows all his (boy)friends' cell phone numbers by heart!! he is a real man! like this one:

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Monday, October 29, 2007
From Borington, NY to Fun City!!! (round two)
upstate I do things like sit by the hearth with this weirdo and chat. p.s. is that an armchair or a rocking chair? if you answered, "trick question asshole its both!" you were right.
sometimes i cook a nice dinner of what I swear is sausages and pasta, then i take a picture of it

but in the city people dress up and have fun see?

sometimes random people do pushups

or they do this...

these drawings are a diptych. the latter half is a hoax.

scary eyes

surprised eyes!
and chaos reigns!!!!!

young prescott as a pee pee

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