Monday, May 26, 2008

here is a sick new podcast. it is a nonstop freestyle MEGAMIX that i made complete with airhorns that is perfect for this spring and summer season. it truly is a giant in the land of men. it is also a first fast fingers X ramdogg collabo!!! curated by the ramdog and mixed up by me!! i started doing this really late last night and figured it would take a while and i'd have to finish today, but as it turns out, every freestyle song has the same tempo!!! anyway, here i am off on a tangent when the music and sound fx should be speaking for themselves. it may not be perfect but at the very least it is the illest. cover art below, track list below that. annnnnddddd in order to subscribe, you click those little orange "subscribe" buttons that i'm sure i've put everywhere for everyone's convenience.

i can't wait - nu shooz
i wonder if i take you home - list list & the cult jam
let the music play - shannon
show me - cover girls
fascinated - company b
give me tonight - shannon
party your body - stevie b
out of control - corina
temptation - corina
point of no return - exposé
can you feel the beat - list list & the cult jam

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Monday, March 24, 2008
in through the cosmic butt portal

podcast #05

here is a brand new little mix that i made for my best friend because she likes music from outer space. this is some new outer space music plus some old outer space music.

albedo 0.39 - vangelis
astral voyager - tangerine dream
god kveld - bjørn torske
cosmic voyage - kano
equinox, pt. 5 - jean michel jarre
i feel space - lindstrøm
cane it for the original whities - lindstrøm
oxygene, pt. 2 - jean michel jarre
sword of orion - vangelis
clair de lune - isao tomita
en dag i mai - linstrøm & prins thomas
aliens in my pocket - rune lindbaek & lindstrøm
equinox, pt. 1 - jean michel jarre

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
report from new hammie

i am in new hampshire right now and i can breath! i want to do insane things like hike the appalachian trail and bathe exclusively in patchouli and other essential oils. this morning i joined my good friend andrew on WUNH 91.3fm in durham. it would have been more organized as far as my contributions went, but he invited me after i packed my bags and left so i didn't get to bring sweet things to play. i had my computer however but no one had any blank cd's for me to use and we couldn't quite figure out how to jimmy rig it all up to work. so, it was a little hectic, but pretty good all in all. anyway, the reason that i am spending so much time talking about this is because it's available online if you want to listen to it. it's pretty much like a podcast except with no swear words allowed and lots of psa's. anyway, check this out: WUNH - Tuesday 9/6/2007 6AM-9AM.

oh yeah, one important note is that we were 15 minutes late because we couldn't get into the building. so, you're gonna wanna go ahead and skip 15 minutes into the broadcast. and i'm assuming this link will be pretty permanent for a while, but i may need to figure out another way of keeping the link working. we'll see! you'll know you have the right podcast if it starts with a rad usaisamonster song off their new cd.

i wish i had sweet pictures to post to spice things up a little like sebastian's posts. instead, i would just like to recommend apple pie and extra sharp cheddar cheese for dessert. i'm told it's a new england thing. i think it's a great thing!

my mom gave me a flu shot which is great. that reminds me, get your flu shots people.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

podcast #3 is here finally! i went to see a lot of rad shows during cmj and before and after cmj and i took my little recorder with me where i went and here are some of the results. hopefully there will be a part 2 to this in the future because i'm still waiting on permission from a lot of bands to use recordings i made. yeeeeeaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

here is a tracklisting
01. lost time - health - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
02. girl attorney - health - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
03. grand canyon - the mall - studio b 10/10/07
04. unknown new song - aids wolf - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
05. outer tomato - yip yip - studio b 10/10/07
06. club mummy - yip yip - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
07. $100 cover - japanther - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
08. late for school - ponytail - bowery ballroom 10/17/07
08.5 a poem - sebastian - studio b
09. indestructable life! - old time relijun - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
10. crimewave - health - soundfix 10/20/07
11. unknown new song - aids wolf - panache party @ death by audio 0.20.07
12. fuk the price a pull iz dum - japanther - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
13. unknown - the mall - studio b 10/10/07
14. audacity beach - yip yip - studio b 10/10/07
15. celebrate the body electric (it came from an angel) - ponytail - bowery ballroom 10/17/07

all these high and low quality recordings used with permission of the artists, dummy! do you like this? there will be lots of this kind of thing in the future in the future.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

our first podcast is here.


THEN you get directed to this other page, and you pick which application you want to use to get this podcast (eg itunes). from then on, it should update automatically and download the most recent podcast. great, right? so here it is:


so this podcast's theme is just drone that i layered. i recorded it live using a modest little mixer with a cassette player, a turntable, and my computer plugged in. most of the music comes from some of my favorite little labels like not not fun and arbor. also, part of the layered sound is this sweet spoken album called Play It Safe! Vol. 4 that i discovered a long time ago via WFMU's blog. it is this album of really banal//dated//staged conversation between a husband and wife. what you do, apparently, is put this album on your record play on repeat and turn up the volume LOUD when you leave the house. that way, if any hamburglers come to rob your house, they will hear this record playing and think that people are home. get it? an ingenious defense system.

so, here is the playlist, in rough order, of what you are hearing when you listen to this:

growing - firmament
changeling - solitude without saying
family underground - vengeance valley
jacob kirkegaard - auditorium
play it safe volume 4
quilts - ping hotel
pocahaunted + robedoor - hunted gathering
sunn 0))) - sin nanna
siren - feather crown
zs - mimesis
sunn 0))) - vlad tepes
warmth - death as a young child
ghosting - catch waves
bob bruno - white lovers
wolf eyes - track 2
sunn0))) - orthodox caveman
body vehicle - deep strobbing
ghq - cosmopology of eye
isao tomita - claire de lune
bring star core - the universe is designed to break your heart
ghosting - live/oakland
totally ripped - tropics

also: my voice doesn't normally sound this nasal-y. maybe its because i am using a pair of headphones as a microphone and i wedged my face pretty deep into one of the phones. ???


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