Tuesday, September 11, 2007
... in the studio
This is my "studio." Sometimes things get made in here, like these photos. Click on them and you can see them considerably larger. Don't click on the one of Elise though or I will get jealous when I am drunk later on in the week.

Here is my paint and solvents, on what used to be some wooden bookshelves. Inevitably fire will ravage the entire building, and it will be my fault.

Here is the aformentioned one of my gf holding her boobs. As you can see she has become an integral part of the ambiance of the place.
Here is a wall covered in black construction paper and a ladder.
Here is a Cesco shadow emerging from the paper. How cute is this guy right?
Here is a painting that I worked on for a while, it didn't turn out so great.
Here is a painting that I sort of whipped up. It is better than the other one. I know, crazy! I like in both photos how it isn't entirely clear where the painting stops and the wall starts. It feels like the paintings could be just bits of the space that are removable and recontextualizable(it's late).
Here are some more pieces of construction paper. I skeeted on them and made this pattern. Initially it seemed like a pretty crummy endeavor, but I am still at it (wink wink) and the nift factor is rising I think.

Here is a little cherub I am painting. Since this photo was taken I have accidentally turned him into somewhat of a tranny. I will be sure to include the inspiring photos next time.

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Sunday, September 9, 2007
also, just a thing. it's just a poem or two that live in the world, an homage to claes, created by lenardo esplanade.


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