Saturday, August 29, 2009
One more for good measure
Robert Colescott

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Friday, August 28, 2009
Two Good Painters
Here are two good American painters that I recently learned about. They are both really good.

Bob Thompson
George C. Ault

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Monday, August 3, 2009
New Dogs

dog 1

dog 2

dog 3 (work in progress)

3 tunnels

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Thursday, August 7, 2008
And Another Thing!!!
kinda blurry
in case you cant read it the guy is saying,

less blurry but the flash is all up in the grill piece.

some details

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Sunday, July 20, 2008
Fun At the Beach and also fun at other places
the weekend before the weekend that just happened I went to Jacob Reese Park in Far ROckaway. Named after Rockafella Records Founder and Father to Reese Witherspoon, this sprawling park has more brews, babes, b-weeeed than something that also has a lot of those aforementioned traits! Wow!

here's us at the beach! (me behind the camera) what a band of ragamuffins! what a cast of characters! what a sight for sore eyes!
Architectural Historical Librarian
Jiyoni "For better or for worse fuck tony bennet" Kim
Internet Celebrity and all around "Pretty Cool Dude" Jesse Hudnutt

Then some other random shit
a new head on a painting I'm working on

a new silhouette for jiyo

My friend Sarah bought this book. I actually haven't seen her since.

please note that he refers to himself as an "incurable romantic." SOmeone probably tried to cure him and he shot them.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008
My Upstairs
I am currently in a group show at 711 Gallery and here are some pictures of the installation i did upstairs!

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Monday, March 24, 2008
New Art, Old art revisited
color at Moma

the young lion Diebenkorn

Diebmeister #2

New Painting

and another

biggest nakey self portrait yet. while still in progress

Another portrait of Francis

subway collage
subway diptych

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Friday, January 18, 2008
Notes From Aukland Part 1: A brief history of Discomfort
THis is the first NZ blog post! I didn't take any photos in the airports in Hong Kong, or NZ, or at JFK for that matter because I had this scenario in my mind wherein as I pulled out my camera Dwane "The Rock" Johnson would come flying out of nowhere, dressed as a secret service agent and tackle me to the floor. So all the photos below are from after I arrived in Aukland.
But first, some brief notes about the flights:
1 On the way to Hong Kong about half of the TV's worked, luckily there was an empty space between me and the other woman in my row. She fell asleep and I snagged it. She snost she lost as they (never) say. However, I was uber-paranoid about sleeping for fear of leeping, e.g. having her lay claim to the monitor, from that point on.

2 When I was sure that my hostile neighbor was fully tucked into her sleepy lady eye cover thingys i took the opportunity to doze as well. We were both woken up by the fact that our feet were wet, and the flight attendants were lifting them and tucking extra blankets under them. What I hope was water was seeping out of the bathroom and soaking the carpeting, and since we were in an exit row, right next to the bathroom, we got it the worst.
We bonded over the injustice we were both suffering under and began to share hopeful theories with one another. "It must be from the sink," she began, "airplane toilets can't overflow. " "Yeah," I thought, "that's not so bad." However, at this point the man seated behind us, a gruff American man with thin hair and a red nose, leaned forward and shared his wisdom, "It smells like crap" he barked, "people don't crap in the sink, so water from the sink don't smell like crap." His logic was infallible.
In retrospect, I believe he might have been covering for the fact that he crapped in the sink. A mystery. He had eaten three of the complementary dinners.

3 The second flight was far less eventful. I had 3 glasses of wine, and one and a half ambien that professor Kirk had given me that morning and I was out. I awoke to a cacophonous chorus of babies whose volume fluctuated, but never seemed to die out entirely.

Ok, enough about air travel. Now onto Aukland. Sorry for all of the sideways photos, I couldn't be bothered to rotate all of the photos.
the first work of art i saw, and arguably the finest. Painted by India Donald, "Son!" when she was just a little tot.

chilling by the pool.

A myriad of dope things/signs on K' Road:
4 How ill is this?

some works from galleries. THey have a pretty nice art scene here, although a lot of shows are closed for re-instillation. Again sorry for sideways stuff.

Frank "STELLLLAAAAAA!" (cue shirt ripping off)

met up with Melina yesterday and got a beer. She was on route to work at a Vineyard and for a Chocolatier (Sp?)
Ping Ting's Thick
some brollick ass lillypads. Imagine the amount of tongue you would get kissing the frog prince that chills on one of these.

the Maori's kill the textile game
as do the weird Christian people to I guess.
Primary colors

Nine foot tall, wingless, extinct Emu type animal. Probably the end all be all of New Zealand culture.

Winners of good student art competition. 1
3. It's as if someone turned Ada Katz into a hound of some sort.

Bye guys, sorry for the length of the post, more shorter posts to come.

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Monday, October 29, 2007
From Borington, NY to Fun City!!! (round two)
upstate I do things like sit by the hearth with this weirdo and chat. p.s. is that an armchair or a rocking chair? if you answered, "trick question asshole its both!" you were right.
sometimes i cook a nice dinner of what I swear is sausages and pasta, then i take a picture of it

but in the city people dress up and have fun see?

sometimes random people do pushups

or they do this...

these drawings are a diptych. the latter half is a hoax.

scary eyes

surprised eyes!
and chaos reigns!!!!!

young prescott as a pee pee

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Saturday, October 20, 2007
the city, the country, and back
How ill is this van. I met the guy who drives it. He was about sixty and he was walking around painting peace signs on walls and smoking cloves. He kept referring to "the kids" and although I had no clue what he was talking about, I found myself agreeing with him on every point.

no hands track stands

What a kawink e dink, I found a sign in Greenpoint that had Zach's mantra on it

we put up some posters for jake's show

then sarah jumped a fence

to get into this ill place

mother nature was all around us

I saw a little girl hug a huge purple vagina

Then I got to watch this little boy get born . And peep the tombstone, the circle of life. Deep stuff, I know.

So then I went to this barn where I made a painting.

Here it is in its very early stages.

And here is the rabbit whose head I ate.

Here it is again

The field from my house upstate to the barn is a veritable minefield of poopies. The above stool is just some inoffensive deer doody, but there was some pretty serious bear poos out there as well. And one thing that might have actually been Clayface, from the batman cartoon. Below is a picture I took of it.

it was pretty upstate

there was a deer

here is the painting

then I was back in the city
and I found a cobra. Bye.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
... in the studio
This is my "studio." Sometimes things get made in here, like these photos. Click on them and you can see them considerably larger. Don't click on the one of Elise though or I will get jealous when I am drunk later on in the week.

Here is my paint and solvents, on what used to be some wooden bookshelves. Inevitably fire will ravage the entire building, and it will be my fault.

Here is the aformentioned one of my gf holding her boobs. As you can see she has become an integral part of the ambiance of the place.
Here is a wall covered in black construction paper and a ladder.
Here is a Cesco shadow emerging from the paper. How cute is this guy right?
Here is a painting that I worked on for a while, it didn't turn out so great.
Here is a painting that I sort of whipped up. It is better than the other one. I know, crazy! I like in both photos how it isn't entirely clear where the painting stops and the wall starts. It feels like the paintings could be just bits of the space that are removable and recontextualizable(it's late).
Here are some more pieces of construction paper. I skeeted on them and made this pattern. Initially it seemed like a pretty crummy endeavor, but I am still at it (wink wink) and the nift factor is rising I think.

Here is a little cherub I am painting. Since this photo was taken I have accidentally turned him into somewhat of a tranny. I will be sure to include the inspiring photos next time.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Arts and Farts
Here it is, the Ping Ting Thing, the veritable Clean Plate Club of 2007. Since the Blog is just up and running I thought I might post some photos of my work from my senior show. So, with some further and a bit of ado...
My homie Baby Bry Bry calls this one "Seb as a Sexy Chick" with an inappropriate amount of luster.

More naked fellas... I know right?

This is a pen drawing, not type it took me much longer than it was worth, since nobody really noticed it. I put it in a group show at Secret Project Robot in June, and it has been floating around lower Manhattan with Cobra ever since.

one of my rooms

These are some pretty crappy photos that I snapped right before the show came down so sorry for the quality, or lack thereof. My ill part rabbi, part handy(wo)man, part photographer, all lesbian, aunt Devon took some much nicer photos, but I lost the cd they were on.

Also it is worth mentioning that there was this other kid who painted these dope sexy demon dragon ladies that I would have posted, but every camera that photographed them blew up in my hands. Here is something I found online to give you an idea.It was in a similar vein, only much less technically accomplished.

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Previous Posts

Carmen Herrera/// Some 2009 Dog Paintings/Collages/// Two Interesting Lady Painters/// This should be real amazing/// Sol LeWitt/// PINK STINK/// Little Dog/// Small Packages Tomorrow/// Oh my god/// New Dogs///


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