Monday, March 24, 2008
in through the cosmic butt portal

podcast #05

here is a brand new little mix that i made for my best friend because she likes music from outer space. this is some new outer space music plus some old outer space music.

albedo 0.39 - vangelis
astral voyager - tangerine dream
god kveld - bjørn torske
cosmic voyage - kano
equinox, pt. 5 - jean michel jarre
i feel space - lindstrøm
cane it for the original whities - lindstrøm
oxygene, pt. 2 - jean michel jarre
sword of orion - vangelis
clair de lune - isao tomita
en dag i mai - linstrøm & prins thomas
aliens in my pocket - rune lindbaek & lindstrøm
equinox, pt. 1 - jean michel jarre

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