here is a sick new podcast. it is a nonstop freestyle MEGAMIX that i made complete with airhorns that is perfect for this spring and summer season. it truly is a giant in the land of men. it is also a first fast fingers X ramdogg collabo!!! curated by the ramdog and mixed up by me!! i started doing this really late last night and figured it would take a while and i'd have to finish today, but as it turns out, every freestyle song has the same tempo!!! anyway, here i am off on a tangent when the music and sound fx should be speaking for themselves. it may not be perfect but at the very least it is the illest. cover art below, track list below that. annnnnddddd in order to subscribe, you click those little orange "subscribe" buttons that i'm sure i've put everywhere for everyone's convenience.
Labels: air horn, freestyle, megamix, music, podcast, tony little
Labels: art, data visualization, music, olafur eliasson
Labels: music, outer space, podcast, update
podcast #3 is here finally! i went to see a lot of rad shows during cmj and before and after cmj and i took my little recorder with me where i went and here are some of the results. hopefully there will be a part 2 to this in the future because i'm still waiting on permission from a lot of bands to use recordings i made. yeeeeeaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
here is a tracklisting
01. lost time - health - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
02. girl attorney - health - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
03. grand canyon - the mall - studio b 10/10/07
04. unknown new song - aids wolf - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
05. outer tomato - yip yip - studio b 10/10/07
06. club mummy - yip yip - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
07. $100 cover - japanther - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
08. late for school - ponytail - bowery ballroom 10/17/07
08.5 a poem - sebastian - studio b
09. indestructable life! - old time relijun - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
10. crimewave - health - soundfix 10/20/07
11. unknown new song - aids wolf - panache party @ death by audio 0.20.07
12. fuk the price a pull iz dum - japanther - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
13. unknown - the mall - studio b 10/10/07
14. audacity beach - yip yip - studio b 10/10/07
15. celebrate the body electric (it came from an angel) - ponytail - bowery ballroom 10/17/07
all these high and low quality recordings used with permission of the artists, dummy! do you like this? there will be lots of this kind of thing in the future in the future.
this is way late, but i guess i might as well put it up
so this is the cmj lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase. it is going to be sick. its at the knitting factory, there are 16 bands, three stage, etc etc. come by and say hello. i am going to be stage managing the old office.
also, just a quick update. there are some ILL podcasts on the way. i've been recording a lot of cmj shows and non cmj shows and there will be some live @ cmj podcasts. also, we have a sick project coming up. i just wanted to throw that out there. it is top secret for now though.
Carmen Herrera/// Some 2009 Dog Paintings/Collages/// Two Interesting Lady Painters/// This should be real amazing/// Sol LeWitt/// PINK STINK/// Little Dog/// Small Packages Tomorrow/// Oh my god/// New Dogs///
September 2007/// October 2007/// November 2007/// December 2007/// January 2008/// March 2008/// April 2008/// May 2008/// June 2008/// July 2008/// August 2008/// November 2008/// December 2008/// January 2009/// February 2009/// March 2009/// April 2009/// May 2009/// June 2009/// July 2009/// August 2009/// September 2009/// October 2009/// December 2009///