well, sebastian has been traveling around the world and not writing any posts about it and i have been sitting here not really doing much and as a result nothing has been happening here, but we are getting our act together very soon once all parties have recongregated in new york. anyway i wanted to write something to quote unquote "break the seal." in the mean time, here is this sick video footage of us working on our latest project.
i hope that you, too--as i now have since first seeing that movie more than 10 years ago--will forever hear this song every time you encounter any instances of teamwork in your life.
here are some other recent favs:
Labels: art, friends, george bush
Carmen Herrera/// Some 2009 Dog Paintings/Collages/// Two Interesting Lady Painters/// This should be real amazing/// Sol LeWitt/// PINK STINK/// Little Dog/// Small Packages Tomorrow/// Oh my god/// New Dogs///
September 2007/// October 2007/// November 2007/// December 2007/// January 2008/// March 2008/// April 2008/// May 2008/// June 2008/// July 2008/// August 2008/// November 2008/// December 2008/// January 2009/// February 2009/// March 2009/// April 2009/// May 2009/// June 2009/// July 2009/// August 2009/// September 2009/// October 2009/// December 2009///