Friday, May 9, 2008

A new book of self portraits from a week in 2033! It looks like my future is pretty bleak!
Look for it in the "Things" section of the site, or in stores in NY and LA!

If your not sold yet... here is a picture of it next to a pear! (A little trick I learned from my friends over at Crate and Barrel)

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Sunday, September 9, 2007
PTC001 - PICTURES//WORDS is officially done and available to buy! It's our first thing. So, you can get it online (there will be a paypal button soon) and it will soon be available at fine booksellers and distributors both in NYC and online. get it? keep checking for updates. more things are coming soon.

IN THE MEAN TIME, here are some pictures of us binding the books by hand! Also, there is a third helper/champion of small printed things named holly who is missing from all the photos (because she took them, dummy!)

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Carmen Herrera/// Some 2009 Dog Paintings/Collages/// Two Interesting Lady Painters/// This should be real amazing/// Sol LeWitt/// PINK STINK/// Little Dog/// Small Packages Tomorrow/// Oh my god/// New Dogs///


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