Tuesday, November 6, 2007
report from new hammie

i am in new hampshire right now and i can breath! i want to do insane things like hike the appalachian trail and bathe exclusively in patchouli and other essential oils. this morning i joined my good friend andrew on WUNH 91.3fm in durham. it would have been more organized as far as my contributions went, but he invited me after i packed my bags and left so i didn't get to bring sweet things to play. i had my computer however but no one had any blank cd's for me to use and we couldn't quite figure out how to jimmy rig it all up to work. so, it was a little hectic, but pretty good all in all. anyway, the reason that i am spending so much time talking about this is because it's available online if you want to listen to it. it's pretty much like a podcast except with no swear words allowed and lots of psa's. anyway, check this out: WUNH - Tuesday 9/6/2007 6AM-9AM.

oh yeah, one important note is that we were 15 minutes late because we couldn't get into the building. so, you're gonna wanna go ahead and skip 15 minutes into the broadcast. and i'm assuming this link will be pretty permanent for a while, but i may need to figure out another way of keeping the link working. we'll see! you'll know you have the right podcast if it starts with a rad usaisamonster song off their new cd.

i wish i had sweet pictures to post to spice things up a little like sebastian's posts. instead, i would just like to recommend apple pie and extra sharp cheddar cheese for dessert. i'm told it's a new england thing. i think it's a great thing!

my mom gave me a flu shot which is great. that reminds me, get your flu shots people.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007
Selflessness. Responsibility.
I wore these new boat shoes this weekend
but they gave me blisters, so i tried to wear them with socksbut this happened.
so today I stayed in the studio making paintings!!!

Actually this one I made a couple weeks ago, but the rest are more brand spanking than the violent parent of a naughty logo
these ones are all on their sides, resting. Tilt your head 90 degrees to the left for optimum viewing.

my friend Francis

my other friend Francis

a birthday card for my lama!

his present!
when I went into my studio room to clean up in the evening Cesco was there dressed like a something something.

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