Wednesday, December 5, 2007
important update

i just made a stone soup normal soup out of one of these.

not her dummy! this beastly little thing!!

anyway, i have a real update to do actually with great news but i can't do it right now but i will do it soon.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007
some drawings

here are some drawings that i made.

hands? inspired by mudras!!

more hands and asparagus

this one is inspired by nelly and marina kitchen

duccio bag!

georgia o'queef and the felopian sisterhood

did you know matthew barney totally ripped off the sicilian flag for cremaster 4? whatever these bullets are turning to acorns

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Sunday, September 23, 2007
Selflessness. Responsibility.
I wore these new boat shoes this weekend
but they gave me blisters, so i tried to wear them with socksbut this happened.
so today I stayed in the studio making paintings!!!

Actually this one I made a couple weeks ago, but the rest are more brand spanking than the violent parent of a naughty logo
these ones are all on their sides, resting. Tilt your head 90 degrees to the left for optimum viewing.

my friend Francis

my other friend Francis

a birthday card for my lama!

his present!
when I went into my studio room to clean up in the evening Cesco was there dressed like a something something.

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