Tuesday, October 23, 2007

podcast #3 is here finally! i went to see a lot of rad shows during cmj and before and after cmj and i took my little recorder with me where i went and here are some of the results. hopefully there will be a part 2 to this in the future because i'm still waiting on permission from a lot of bands to use recordings i made. yeeeeeaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

here is a tracklisting
01. lost time - health - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
02. girl attorney - health - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
03. grand canyon - the mall - studio b 10/10/07
04. unknown new song - aids wolf - panache party @ death by audio 10/20/07
05. outer tomato - yip yip - studio b 10/10/07
06. club mummy - yip yip - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
07. $100 cover - japanther - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
08. late for school - ponytail - bowery ballroom 10/17/07
08.5 a poem - sebastian - studio b
09. indestructable life! - old time relijun - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
10. crimewave - health - soundfix 10/20/07
11. unknown new song - aids wolf - panache party @ death by audio 0.20.07
12. fuk the price a pull iz dum - japanther - lovepump/panache/blueghost/skingraft showcase @ the knitting factory 10/19/07
13. unknown - the mall - studio b 10/10/07
14. audacity beach - yip yip - studio b 10/10/07
15. celebrate the body electric (it came from an angel) - ponytail - bowery ballroom 10/17/07

all these high and low quality recordings used with permission of the artists, dummy! do you like this? there will be lots of this kind of thing in the future in the future.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007
rescued voicemails

for a long long time, i've been accumulating really sweet voicemails. i just recently got this ill digital sound recorder that will be used for our future podcasts, but for right now i used it to record all these rad voicemails i've been saving for super long and delete them off my phone. unfortunately, at various points in time i've had to delete messages that would otherwise be posted right here in order to clear out my mailbox a little. but anyway, here are some of the choicier ones.

i have only very vague ideas about what this is. i'm pretty sure my voice is in the background somewhere. ??

i have this friend named jake who is a really great guy.

ever since i got my phone i've receieved abnormally high amounts of wrong numbers. things have toned down considerably to the point where i get only maybe 1-8 wrong numbers a week, but there was a point when it was 5+ a day. a lot of times it was just fax machine beeps and modem clicks calling me over and over, but every once in a while there is something great like this:

or this:

or this:


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