Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Oh my god
i've just discovered visionary art gallery

its amazing

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
S(h)elf Contained

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Friday, December 5, 2008
Some MIAMI flicks

Pelts on wood W/ Mirror
It's a trap!

India and Cesco's chair

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Friday, May 16, 2008
just a video

is this old news? new news? i hope it's new news.

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
cool art!!!

there is a pretty sick olafur eliasson collabo at the gallery these days. it is a musical instrument that takes the sound information and visualizes it through some drawing machine. it's basically a big guitar string with a movable pole that divides it into an interval and each note of the interval has its own individual pickup. the left and right pickups then get translated into x- and y-axis motion, so there is some relationship between the velocity and pitch of each and the shape that's drawn. anway, yeah, this is a blog that i set up for the gallery and it has lots of ill pictures and videos of the machine in action.

check it out in real life at tanya bonakdar gallery

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Friday, January 18, 2008
Notes From Aukland Part 1: A brief history of Discomfort
THis is the first NZ blog post! I didn't take any photos in the airports in Hong Kong, or NZ, or at JFK for that matter because I had this scenario in my mind wherein as I pulled out my camera Dwane "The Rock" Johnson would come flying out of nowhere, dressed as a secret service agent and tackle me to the floor. So all the photos below are from after I arrived in Aukland.
But first, some brief notes about the flights:
1 On the way to Hong Kong about half of the TV's worked, luckily there was an empty space between me and the other woman in my row. She fell asleep and I snagged it. She snost she lost as they (never) say. However, I was uber-paranoid about sleeping for fear of leeping, e.g. having her lay claim to the monitor, from that point on.

2 When I was sure that my hostile neighbor was fully tucked into her sleepy lady eye cover thingys i took the opportunity to doze as well. We were both woken up by the fact that our feet were wet, and the flight attendants were lifting them and tucking extra blankets under them. What I hope was water was seeping out of the bathroom and soaking the carpeting, and since we were in an exit row, right next to the bathroom, we got it the worst.
We bonded over the injustice we were both suffering under and began to share hopeful theories with one another. "It must be from the sink," she began, "airplane toilets can't overflow. " "Yeah," I thought, "that's not so bad." However, at this point the man seated behind us, a gruff American man with thin hair and a red nose, leaned forward and shared his wisdom, "It smells like crap" he barked, "people don't crap in the sink, so water from the sink don't smell like crap." His logic was infallible.
In retrospect, I believe he might have been covering for the fact that he crapped in the sink. A mystery. He had eaten three of the complementary dinners.

3 The second flight was far less eventful. I had 3 glasses of wine, and one and a half ambien that professor Kirk had given me that morning and I was out. I awoke to a cacophonous chorus of babies whose volume fluctuated, but never seemed to die out entirely.

Ok, enough about air travel. Now onto Aukland. Sorry for all of the sideways photos, I couldn't be bothered to rotate all of the photos.
the first work of art i saw, and arguably the finest. Painted by India Donald, "Son!" when she was just a little tot.

chilling by the pool.

A myriad of dope things/signs on K' Road:
4 How ill is this?

some works from galleries. THey have a pretty nice art scene here, although a lot of shows are closed for re-instillation. Again sorry for sideways stuff.

Frank "STELLLLAAAAAA!" (cue shirt ripping off)

met up with Melina yesterday and got a beer. She was on route to work at a Vineyard and for a Chocolatier (Sp?)
Ping Ting's Thick
some brollick ass lillypads. Imagine the amount of tongue you would get kissing the frog prince that chills on one of these.

the Maori's kill the textile game
as do the weird Christian people to I guess.
Primary colors

Nine foot tall, wingless, extinct Emu type animal. Probably the end all be all of New Zealand culture.

Winners of good student art competition. 1
3. It's as if someone turned Ada Katz into a hound of some sort.

Bye guys, sorry for the length of the post, more shorter posts to come.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
study for woman in painting 1

study 2

numbers, half done. I finished it yesterday.

I named this one after a novel by Camus. I call it "The Stranger." The book is about a guy who has a profound existential dilemma, he discovers that if he sits on his hand until it goes numb then he can yada yada yada

skeet 1

skeet 2


pee pee on a poo poo train

what a team. Nick looks like this dude who hangs by the F train in QB, and i think Ariel just pooped.

birthday bo bo

Krista's triumphant return from Africa. She "learned a lot about herself."
a face only a mother could yada yada

the flaubertian tube and the tabaret

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Saturday, November 10, 2007
Martin Puryear
Don't miss this show. Most of the work is breathtaking in its beauty and craftsmanship. Here is the opening quote, which I think is really smart and insightful.

I value the referential quality of art, the fact that a work can allude to things or states of being without in any way representing them. The ideas that give rise to a work can be quite diffuse, so I would describe my usual working process as a kind of distillation- trying to make coherence out of things that can seem contradictory. But coherence is not the same thing as resolution. The most interesting art for me retains a flickering quality, where opposed ideas can be held in tense coexistence.
-Martin Puryear 2007

Here are some photos of the works on the main veranda, just to give you a vague sense of what you are in for.

see how this guy is looking up?
thats why. this is taken from like the fourth floor.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Calling all kids... GROWNUPS ARE CRAZY
George, Condi, and Dick. Just peeped this in the A C E stop at 23d. I have been hating that super lame poster since the moment I saw it, but this person really switched it up. Some good surreal recontextualization, or something

Tim. He died in a marsh last February.

Dan "The man" Lipshitz. When we were kids together Dan used to be so scared of getting lost that he made his mom give him old buttons which he would drop periodically as we walked around with our baby sitters so that he could better retrace his steps if he needed to.

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