Wednesday, January 16, 2008
pictures//words #2

hey! this is out now if you didn't know!

come and get it here for 9 bucks. plus, it comes with pictures//words #1 so you can see where we came from and make educated guesses about where we are going!!

also, sebastian is in new zealand right now. i just found out today that he knows all his (boy)friends' cell phone numbers by heart!! he is a real man! like this one:

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pictures//Words 2 is on the brink of existence. The cover is screened. The content is arranged. The blah is blah blah blahed. All that's left are the finishing touches, all of which involve various and sundry mucous membranes.

Look for it soon on the "our things" section of the site.

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