Monday, April 14, 2008
I left for LA before I could finish this Post
If you have ever read the Title section of this post, then you already know that I left for LA before I could finish this post. For those of you that haven't read the title, well, I guess I just hope this clears this all up. There were supposed to be lots of photos of art and fun times, and there will be, but until I can convince my mom to let me talk her through making the blog post from my computer in NY, we will all have to wait. If you want to encourage her to help out you can send her an email at

Until then expect some photos of LA i guess. Whatever I'm spent.

here's a naked guy! painted but not glued! buy him! for you I make a special deal! $6,000!

here's a collage I started. Its of a gladiator with a goofy head. THere is a tranny cupid telling him to "Do GOOD!" and an evil bird flapping over his head.

Here are two old photos of me and Lenardo when we had long hair!
LEnardo looks like he just left a Panic at the Disco video shoot!

This is me at my 38th birthday! Still going strong!

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