Sunday, July 20, 2008
Fun At the Beach and also fun at other places
the weekend before the weekend that just happened I went to Jacob Reese Park in Far ROckaway. Named after Rockafella Records Founder and Father to Reese Witherspoon, this sprawling park has more brews, babes, b-weeeed than something that also has a lot of those aforementioned traits! Wow!

here's us at the beach! (me behind the camera) what a band of ragamuffins! what a cast of characters! what a sight for sore eyes!
Architectural Historical Librarian
Jiyoni "For better or for worse fuck tony bennet" Kim
Internet Celebrity and all around "Pretty Cool Dude" Jesse Hudnutt

Then some other random shit
a new head on a painting I'm working on

a new silhouette for jiyo

My friend Sarah bought this book. I actually haven't seen her since.

please note that he refers to himself as an "incurable romantic." SOmeone probably tried to cure him and he shot them.

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